PSindex™ Debrief and Team Workshop Enrollments

Our PSindex™ Debrief and Action Planning and The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™  Team Workshop solutions help participants review survey results. Each participant has a specific report in their digital workbook to reference while creating action plans. This article will explain the enrollment process to connect the right survey data to each participant.

Before reviewing the steps of this enrollment process, the admin user who is completing the enrollments will need to know the following:

  • Which solution is this enrollment for — PSindex™ Debrief and Action Planning or The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™  Team Workshop?
  • Who is the audience of this solution — an intact team or a manager cohort?
  • What report do participants need to receive — Intact team report, aggregate report, or another segmentation of the data (ie. division, department, location, tenure, etc.)?

To enroll Team Workshop Participants:

1.) Navigate to the Heat Map and access the survey’s Aggregate Report.

2.) Select "New Debrief" in the top right corner

3.) Select “4 Stages Team Workshop” from the pop up menu

4.) Upload participant data using THIS TEMPLATE SHEET

Important Note: When you upload participant data, include a column for the attribute used to differentiate which data appears in each participant’s digital workbook.

For example, if you want each participant to see reports for their specific team, add a column for "Team name" or "Manager email address" that matches the attribute used in the survey**. 

** To check attribute names used in your survey, navigate to the heat map and select “Segment by” from the bottom left hand corner. A pop-up menu will display all the attributes you can use for segmentation, based on those you set up during the survey administration process.


5.) During the participant upload process, you’ll need to match your column headers with the correct attributes in the platform. Use the alignment widget (shown in the image below) to link each column to its corresponding attribute. For any optional columns (like "team name"), enter a custom attribute name that matches the column header exactly.

6.) On the Set Up page, name the cohort and include any custom text you’d like to include in the participant invitations.

7.) In the "Survey Debrief" section, choose the attribute you want to use for segmentation from the first dropdown under "Survey Participant Attribute." Select the same attribute for the second dropdown under "Debrief Participant Attribute." If the desired attribute does not appear, it may need to be added to your enrollment upload sheet.

8.) Set pre-work and workshop dates and times

9.) Agree to terms

10.) Click Save

Note: If you have team workshop participants from different survey groups, you will need to create an enrollment through each survey separately.


To enroll Debrief and Action Planning Participants:

1.) Navigate to the Heat Map

2.) Open the Aggregate Report, or whichever report you would like to segment from.

3.) Select "New Debrief" in the top right corner

4.) Select “Debrief and Action Planning” from the pop up menu

5.) Upload participants using THIS TEMPLATE SHEET

Important Note: When you upload participant data, include a column for the attribute used to differentiate which data appears in each participant’s digital workbook.

For example, if you want each participant to see reports for their specific team, add a column for "Team name" or "Manager email address" that matches the attribute used in the survey. 

Additional Note: If you're enrolling a manager cohort and want each participant to receive their own report, the values in the segmentation column should be unique for each person.

If you're enrolling an intact team and want everyone to see the same report, the values in that column should be the same for all participants.

5.) In the upload participant process, you will be asked to ensure all column headers line up with the proper attributes in the platform. Using a widget as featured below, you will align all necessary attributes with the column headers. For those column headers from your sheet that are not required (“team name” in this case), you should enter a custom attribute name. The custom name should be the same as the column header name.

6.) On the Set Up page, name the cohort and include any custom text you’d like to include in the participant invitations.

7.) In the "Survey Debrief" section, choose the attribute you want to use for segmentation from the first dropdown under "Survey Participant Attribute." Select the same attribute for the second dropdown under "Debrief Participant Attribute." If the desired attribute does not appear, it may need to be added to your enrollment upload sheet.

8.) Set a training start date

9.) Agree to terms

10.) Click Save


Additional Notes

  • If your team workshop participants come from different survey groups, you'll need to create a separate enrollment for each survey.
  • Each enrollment, whether for a debrief or a team workshop, gives participants access to one report. If a participant needs access to multiple reports, you must enroll them in separate sessions for each report.