Course Administration Update

Introducing Course Administration 2.0

We are thrilled to introduce a significant update to LeaderFactor's Course Administration experience. This update brings a host of new features and improvements that will make managing your courses and participants more efficient and intuitive. We believe these changes will empower administrators to streamline their tasks, gain better insights, and enhance the overall course administration process.

Streamlined Navigation

Previously, each 4 Stages of Psychological Safety course such as the Online Course, Cohort Workshop, and Team Workshop had its own administration screen. For instance, if you were an admin enrolled in The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety Online Course, you would have seen "My Online Course" and "Manage Enrollments" separately in your navigation bar. With this new update, all courses are seamlessly consolidated into a single location. This unified view simplifies navigation and provides a macro-level perspective of every solution/course that has been deployed. We call this the Training Admin screen.

Improved Visibility

We've adopted a new table-view format that offers excellent visibility into each course and participant progress. The training admin screen now includes the following columns: course, date, participants, and progress. Instead of categorizing enrollments by individuals or cohorts, all enrollments are now categorized by course. Here's what each column entails:

  • Course: This column displays the name of the course or solution.
  • Date: Provides visibility into when cohorts were enrolled. For workshops with pre-work and workshop dates, both dates will be displayed.
  • Participants: This column shows the number of participants enrolled in the course and their average completion rate.
  • Progress: In this column, you can see the number of participants in the following categories: "Enrolled," "In progress," and "Action Plans Submitted."
    • "Enrolled" indicates the number of participants who have been enrolled in the course.
    • "In progress" displays the number of participants who have started the course.
    • "Action Plans Submitted" shows the number of participants who have submitted an action plan.


Administrative Screen for Course-Level Tasks

If you need to perform any administrative tasks at the course level, you can easily select the specific course, and you'll be redirected to the administrative screen dedicated to that course. Here, you'll find a list of participants who have been enrolled in that particular course, allowing for streamlined course-specific management.

Effortless Cohort Enrollment

To enroll a cohort, simply follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Click on "New Enrollment +" located in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  2. Choose your desired course from the available options.
  3. Add participants to the cohort, select relevant dates, and you're all set to go!


These course administration updates are designed to enhance your experience by providing better navigation, improved visibility, and simplified cohort enrollment. We understand that changes may take some getting used to initially, but we are confident that these enhancements will make managing your courses more efficient and effective. Our goal is to empower you to excel in your role as a course administrator and help participants fully realize their potential as cultural architects.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with these updates, please don't hesitate to reach out to the LeaderFactor support team and they will be eager to assist you. 

Thank you for your continued dedication to creating a positive impact through The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. We look forward to the great strides you will make with these improvements! 🚀