Action Plan Updates

Introducing Action Planning 2.0 🚀

We are excited to announce updates to LeaderFactor action planning! This update consists of four major features that will empower individuals to take charge of their personal action plans. We're confident that these updates will provide a more effective and flexible approach to action planning. These enhancements will be seamlessly integrated into the Online Course, Workshop, and Team Transformation action planning modules.

Self-Created Behaviors

In this update, individuals now have the ability to create their own behaviors. Previously, individuals were limited to selecting behaviors exclusively from The Behavioral Guide. While the Behavioral Guide helped individuals identify practical behaviors related to each stage of psychological safety, we would like to provide a more flexible approach. With this new feature, individuals gain the autonomy to identify and prioritize behaviors that they believe will have the most impact on their team's psychological safety. Please note that individuals will still have the ability to select behaviors directly from The Behavioral Guide if they so choose.  

Action Plan Duration

This update allows greater flexibility in selecting the action plan duration. Previously, action plans were structured around a fixed four-week timeline. Each week was dedicated to a single behavior. However, we recognize that the impact of one behavior might vary and that the pace of behavior adoption can differ for each individual. As a result this update will allow individuals to allocate the desired amount of time to each behavior. 

Individuals can now choose how long they would like to practice each behavior. They will have the ability to select the number of weeks they would like to focus on each behavior. Options range from one week to four weeks. 


Action Plan Start Date

Prior to this update, when an individual submitted their action plan, their action plan would officially begin on the subsequent Monday. However in an effort to allow for greater flexibility, this update provides individuals the ability to choose when they would like to begin their action plan. Please note that action plan start days are limited to Mondays.  

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Emails Reminders

Email reminders are used to help engage individuals throughout their entire action plan. Previously, email reminders were sent on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In this update, email reminders will only be sent on Monday and Friday. Monday's email will outline the behavior they chose to work on, and Friday's email will prompt the individual to evaluate and reflect on their progress. 


Prior to this update, the process of self-reflection was integrated within the course itself. In this update, self-reflection has now been detached from the main course and given its own dedicated navigation bar icon - "Action Planning." In this section of the navigation bar, participants can conveniently access a comprehensive overview of the behaviors they have chosen for their action plans. Important details such as the start date and intended duration of each behavior will be readily accessible and modifiable within this section. As a participant comes to the end of a scheduled behavior, they will have the chance to evaluate themselves on how well they practiced the behavior during that week.


If you have questions about this update, please reach out to the LeaderFactor support team here. We acknowledge that these changes may feel unfamiliar initially, but we have full confidence that you will swiftly adopt them. This update is intended to enhance the overall action planning experience providing more flexibility and a more effective approach. We're confident that these changes will help individuals more fully realize their role as cultural architects.